24 October

Pratical info


Pay what you want

13:00 > 16:00

Date(s) and venue(s)

24 October

Manège Fonck
Rue Ransonnet, 2
4020 Liège

A Sunday celebrating choral singing: a practice that, everywhere since time immemorial, has passed on stories, created connections, healed and done good. For those that sing, but also the ears that hear it.
The four guest choirs will honour the diversity of the discipline, with repertoires of intimate, political and festive stories, rhythms and melodies connected to practices or particular regions, and songs passed down through generations or from video clips.

To sound smart, we call it polyphonic cosmopolitanism, but in concrete terms it means that there will be big tables, a cafeteria, and something to please the young and the old. And that we want to sing.

Muziek Publique

Founded by Morena Brindisi during her studies at the Muziekpublique Academy, the Brussels choir Malarazza sings traditional Italian repertoires. It brings together amateur singers of Italian, but also...

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Based in Lille, the Chauffe Marcelle choir brings together a number of adventurous female singers, who make an eclectic repertoire their own: Nina Simone meets Niagara, Marvin Gaye opens for Phillippe...

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Lara Herbinia

The Brussels choir Les Fatmas de Belgica performs popular songs from northern Morocco sung in Darija (a Maghrebi dialect, for those who are new), while being a part of the Western polyphonic tradition...

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Formed in Liege four years ago, À tantôt en vélo is a self-organising women-only feminist choir without cis men, where singing connects, empowers, and plays a personal and collective role. Their reper...

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