20 October
♥ Sold out ♥

Sexist violence, feminist responses!

An introduction to physical self-defence
  • Workshop

Pratical info


Prix libre


A partir de 16 ans. Atelier en non-mixité de femmes*. Pas besoin d'être sportive.

13:00 > 17:00

Une tenue confortable.

A la demande : prévenez-nous au moins une semaine à l'avance en écrivant à contact@voixdefemmes.org!

Date(s) and venue(s)

20 October

La Chaufferie - Acte 1
Rue Jean-Baptiste Cools, 14
4000 Liège

Feminist self-defence workshops and courses help us to strengthen our ability to protect ourselves, and thus our self-confidence, before, during, and after an assault or a violation of our boundaries.

As women*, we regularly face sexist violence. This violence may be verbal, physical, psychological, or economic. It may take the form of humiliation, moral or sexual harassment, in a public place, at work, or at home (among other places).

This “flash” workshop is an introduction to Seito Boei feminist self-defence. It’s perfect for women who have never taken part in a self-defence course, and women who would like to refresh their memory: we will rapidly develop what we mean by feminist self-defence. We will get to know our boundaries and learn to recognise when they have been crossed. We will test several physical self-defence tools and techniques and experience our strength.

Lead by Pascale Botilde, who is trained in feminist self-defence, the workshop is also interactive: it will also be based on each woman’s experiences and resources. Details of organisations offering more advanced self-defence training will be given to you at the end of the workshop!

*people who identify as women.