Ana Mijares

Michelle Blades

  • Music

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Self-taught, prolific and a jack-of-all-trades, Panamanian Michelle Blades comes from a pioneering salsa music family in Mexico. Her music, enriched by a multitude of sounds, reflects the image of a nomadic life spent between her native Panama, Mexico, the country of her mother’s family, Florida, where she found refuge when fleeing the dictatorship of Manuel Noriega, Arizona, where the young woman immersed herself in underground, alternative culture, and France, where she has lived for almost a decade. 
Passionate about the seventies for its political developments (sexual liberation, feminism, a changing society, revolutionary ideas), but also for its music, she was inspired by underground, anarchist, queer lives lived with a DIY spirit. 

Between 2015 and 2019, she released the album Ataraxia, the two EPs Nah See Ya and Polylust, and the album Visitor in 2019. A composer and performer, she has also directed several music videos, including Retiens mon désir and Château perdu by Cléa Vincent. Her latest album, Nombrar Las Cosas, was released in 2020 by Midnight Special Records as an escape, a return to her roots - especially linguistic roots - for her and, for us, a great joy, where intensity, precision, and softness come together.