30 October

Ma Soeur, mon Amour

  • Music
  • Tale
  • Performance

Pratical info


Prix libre

14h30 : portes
15h : spectacle
20h : portes
20h30 : spectacle

A la demande : prévenez-nous au moins une semaine à l'avance en écrivant à contact@voixdefemmes.org!

Date(s) and venue(s)

30 October

CPCR - Centre PolyCultures en Résistances
Rue Jonruelle, 9
4000 Liège

Two women holding hands: nothing to disturb morality. But doubt arises when this gesture takes place in a convent... The bells are ringing. Sister Sardine and Sister Casta invite you to their ornate chapel where the candid hearts of lesbian nuns sing. A dreamy place, removed from the world, free from the artifices of a decadent and patriarchal church. Their silent voices rise and fall between laughter and anger. Inspired by life stories of nuns full of grace and bravery throughout the centuries...

We are delighted to welcome the first stage of the electro-dyke hymn Ma Soeur, Mon Amour (working title), the latest project of our Curious Resident 2021: Aline Hémagi Fernande, aka Aline the Sardine. 

Under the guise of Sister Sardine and alongside Sister Casta, she will bring together three artistic forms - storytelling, song and music - and three watchwords: disobedience, ritual and jubilation. Ma Soeur, mon Amour is about the convent as a variation of the women's island: a place where many women have taken refuge from the norms of marriage, heteronormativity and motherhood. Far from the fantasies that have already been revisited many times, it is mainly stories of religious and lesbian women who really existed that will be told. Mixed with small poetic forms of songs and rituals borrowed from the Catholic religion, traditional French folk tales and songs, but also compositions influenced by contemporary music. It will be about Love - for another sister, another woman, Christ and/or the Virgin Mary - and Revolt!

© Novella De Giorgi

Aline Hémagi Fernande is an artist, storyteller, performer, vocal improviser, poetess, and artistic co-directress, together with Novella De Giorgi, of Brussels’ Storytelling Sundays.  Her work is root...

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